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Displaying 1-50 of 96 results for author "Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters' meetings."
[Negro Labor Committee Luncheon] [sound recording]
- Audio
- 1962.
- 1962
[43rd NAACP Convention, 1952] [sound recording]
- Audio
- 1952.
- 1952
[Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters musical selection] [no. 7] [sound recording]
- Audio
- [1952-1962]
- 1952-1962
[Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters musical selection] [no. 8] [sound recording]
- Audio
- [1952-1962]
- 1952-1962
[Civil rights rally featuring Eleanor Roosevelt and Autherine Lucy] [sound recording]
- Audio
- [1956-1960]
- 1956-1960
[Milton P. Webster and A. Philip Randolph on the future of the railroad industry] [sound recording]
- Audio
- [1957-1962]
- 1957-1962
[Grandchildren of Ben McLaurin sing and tell jokes] [sound recording]
- Audio
- [1956-1962]
- 1956-1962
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