Research Catalog
Broadway Bares XI : 2001: a strip odyssey
- Title
- Broadway Bares XI : 2001: a strip odyssey [videorecording]/ Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS presents ; producer, Michael Graziano ; conceived and directed by Jerry Mitchell ; co-director, Jodi Moccia ; choreography, Tim Albrecht, Devanand N. Janki, Hannah Meadows, Jerry Mitchell, Jodi Moccia, Robert Tatad ; Anti-Gravity choreography, Christopher Harrison ; [video prod. company] Broadway Beat.
- Publication
- New York, 2001.
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Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Performing Arts Research Collections to submit a request in person. | Moving image | Restricted use | NCOV 2784 | Performing Arts Research Collections - TOFT |
- Additional Authors
- Graziano, Michael
- Mitchell, Jerry, 1960-
- Moccia, Jodie
- Albrecht, Timothy
- Janki, Devanand N.
- Meadows, Hannah
- Tatad, Robert
- Harrison, Christopher
- Houston, Mary
- Mayer, Bradley
- McGee, Robin L. (Robin Lynn), 1961-
- Lippa, Andrew
- Grigsby, Kimberly
- Clark, Michael
- Russell, Kimberly
- Busch, Charles
- Hewitt, Tom, 1958-
- Lee, Michele
- Goodwin, Deidre
- Sharp, Jonathan, 1971-
- Menzel, Idina
- Ripley, Alice
- Danieley, Jason
- De Shields, André, 1946-
- Conlee, John Ellison, 1968-
- Frugé, Romain, 1959-
- Neville, Marcus
- Stocke, Matthew, 1971-
- Golden, Annie
- Murney, Julia
- Rubin-Vega, Daphne
- Skinner, Emily, 1970-
- Agustin, Julio
- Alers, Yassmin
- Alex, Timothy J.
- Alexander, Steve
- Alipio, Derrick
- Angeline, Barbara
- Ariano, Alan
- Aspel, Brad
- August, Dave
- Autor, Darrell
- Bantay, John
- Benson, Serena
- Bently, John
- Bibalo, Kathleen
- Bilanin, Brad
- Bischoff, Lindsey
- Blanco, Maria (Performer)
- Bomb, Shelly
- Borzotta, Peter
- Brant, Antonio
- Brown, Isaac
- Burke, Liam
- Burns, Bill
- Buss, Tesha
- Butler, Gregory
- Carabeo, Charlene
- Casimano, Buddy
- Chambers, Jennifer
- Cheng, Andrew
- Choiniere, Stephan
- Clippinger, Jennifer
- Colucci, Tammy
- Cooley, Ann
- Costa, Richard
- Creelman, Patric
- Curry, Michael
- Lee, Wendee, 1955-
- Daniel, Lenny
- DiGrazia, Sandor
- Drew, Jeffrey
- Dunn, Sally Mae
- Edie (Performer)
- Eng, Vivien
- Farfan, Armando
- Flowers, Ramon
- Ford, Jennie
- Freitas, Mikala
- Garcia, Jason
- Ghannam, Miguel
- Gibbons, Adrienne
- Gigl, Aloysius
- Gillentine, Meg
- Goldman, Nina (Ballet dancer)
- Govich, Milena, 1976-
- Graham, Gregory
- Gregory, Christopher
- Grenfell, Katy
- Grey, Adam
- Hadley, James
- Hammons, Shannon
- Hankinson, Jeffrey
- Harkness, James
- Harris, Michael C.
- Harris, Stacey
- Isenegger, Nadine
- James, Stu
- Jones, Denis
- Kahl, Kiva
- Kenkel, Nick
- Kittrell, Michelle
- LaCause, Sebastian
- Lambert, Troy
- Lamontagne, Susan
- LaRue, Staci
- Latarro, Lorin
- LaTorella, Anthony
- Laughlin, Brian
- Lepere, Sara
- Lewis, Robin
- Liang, Edward
- Lobato, Adam
- Lue, Dennis
- MacGillivray, David
- Meldrum, Ryan
- Miguel, Mayumi
- Milo, David
- Monk, Billy
- Morgan, Emily
- Mowery, Rusty
- Muenter, Merete
- Musgrove, Brad
- Nebel, Randy
- Newborn, Karine
- Newborn, Phineas, III
- Newman, Jennifer
- Norcini, Jamie
- Nosan, Jonathan
- O'Brien, Brian
- Ohmes, Rebecca
- Opsahl, Jason
- Pacho, Andrew
- Parker, John Eric
- Parkman, Desiree
- Patek, Elizabeth
- Perrizo, Jessica
- Perry, Melba
- Rak, Rachelle
- Reid, T. Oliver
- Reis, Mark
- Remler, Pamela
- Rizzo, Jessica
- Robers, Josh
- Robinson, Michelle M.
- Rodriguez, Dino
- Rodriguez, Jai
- Rolon, Bill
- Rose, Fred (Actor)
- Ryan, Jim
- Rychlec, Dan
- Sandberg, Colt
- Sandler, Jenny
- Scott, Michael Lee
- Serapiglia, Michael
- Sheehy, Laura
- Shenoy, Nandita
- Sipowicz, Stacey
- Smagula, Jimmy
- Smith, Leeanna
- Smith, Todd Michel
- St. Louis, David
- Steibl, H. Eric
- Stewart, J. P.
- Swift, Julie Kay
- Terranova, P. J.
- Vaillancourt, Angela
- Vexler, Aaron
- Villabon, Luis
- Villa-Lobos, Maurice
- Voss, Jennifer
- Wallace, Charles E.
- Warfield, Russell
- Wattes, Sean
- Wiley, Anissa
- Witherspoon, Randy
- Yasunaga, Christine
- Yaukey, Katrina
- Zane, Greg
- Zapytowska, Kamila
- Zurak, David
- Acme Sound Partners (Firm)
- AntiGravity Dance Company
- Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS (Organization), producer
- Broadway Beat (Firm)
- Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS (Organization), donor
- Description
- 1 videocassette (VHS) (90 min.) : sound, color; 1/2 in.
- Series Statement
- Broadway bares
- Alternative Title
- 2001 Broadway Bares
- 2001: A Strip Odyssey
- Subject
- Genre/Form
- Musicals.
- Dance.
- Access (note)
- Restricted to qualified researchers.
- Credits (note)
- Scenic design, Mary Houston and Bradley Mayer ; costume coordination, Robin L. McGee ; lighting design, Chris Lee ; opening number and musical arrangements, Andrew Lippa ; conductor, Kimberly Grigsby ; projection design, Michael Clark ; sound design, Acme Sound Partners ; production stage manager, Kimberly Russell.
- Performer (note)
- Special guests: Charles Busch, Tom Hewitt, and Michele Lee, with Deidre Goodwin and Jonathan Sharp.
- Featured performers: Idina Menzel, the AntiGravity Dance Company, Alice Ripley, Jason Danieley, André De Shields, John Ellison Conlee, Romain Frugé, Marcus Neville, Matthew Stocke, Annie Golden, Julia Murney, Daphne Rubin-Vega, and Emily Skinner.
- Dancers: Julio Agustin, Yassmin Alers, Timothy J. Alex, Steve Alexander, Derrick Alipio, Barbara Angeline, Alan Ariano, Brad Aspel, Dave August, Darrell Autor, John Bantay, Serena Benson, John Bently, Kathleen Bibalo, Brad Bilanin, Lindsey Bischoff, Maria Blanco, Shelly Bomb, Peter Borzotta, Antonio Brant, Isaac Brown, Liam Burke, Bill Burns, Tesha Buss, Gregory Butler, Charlene Carabeo, Buddy Casimano, Jennifer Chambers, Andrew Cheng, Stephan Choiniere, Jennifer Clippinger, Tammy Colucci, Ann Cooley, Richard Costa, Patric Creelman, Michael Curry, Wendee Lee Curtis, Lenny Daniel, Sandor DiGrazia, Jeffrey Drew, Sally Mae Dunn, Edie, Vivien Eng, Armando Farfan, Ramon Flowers, Jennie Ford, Mikala Freitas, Jason Garcia, Miguel Ghannam, Adrienne Gibbons, Aloysius Gigl, Meg Gillentine, Nina Goldman, Milena Govich, Greg Graham, Chris Gregory, Katy Grenfell, Adam Grey, James Hadley, Shannon Hammons, Jeffrey Hankinson, James Harkness, Michael C. Harris, Stacey Harris, Nadine Isenegger, Stu James, Denis Jones, Kiva Kahl, Nick Kenkel, Michelle Kittrell, Sebastian LaCause, Troy Lambert, Susan Lamontagne, Staci LaRue, Lorin Latarro, Anthony LaTorella, Brian Laughlin, Sara Lepere, Robin Lewis, Edward Liang, Adam Lobato, Dennis Lue, David MacGillivray, Hannah Meadows, Ryan Meldrum, Mayumi Miguel, David Milo, Billy Monk, Emily Morgan, Rusty Mowery, Merete Muenter, Brad Musgrove, Randy Nebel, Karine Newborn, Phineas Newborn III, Jennifer Newman, Jamie Norcini, Jonathan Nosan, Brian O'Brien, Rebecca Ohmes, Jason Opsahl, Andrew Pacho, John Eric Parker, Desiree Parkman, Elizabeth Patek, Jessica Perrizo, Melba Perry, Rachelle Rak, T. Oliver Reid, Mark C. Reis, Pam Remler, Jessica Rizzo, Josh Robers, Michelle Robinson, Dino Rodriguez, Jai Rodriguez, Bill Rolon, Fred Rose, Jim Ryan, Dan Rychlec, Colt Sandberg, Jenny Sandler, Michael Lee Scott, Michael Serapiglia, Laura Sheehy, Nandita Shenoy, Stacey Sipowicz, Jimmy Smagula, Leeanna Smith, Todd M. Smith, David St. Louis, Eric Steibl, JP Stewart, Julie Kay Swift, PJ Terranova, Angela Vaillancourt, Aaron Vexler, Luis Villabon, Maurice Villa-Lobos, Jennifer Voss, Charles Wallace, Russell Warfield, Sean P. Watters, Anissa Wiley, Randy Witherspoon, Christine Yasunaga, Katrina Yaukey, Greg Zane, Kamila Zapytowska, David Zurak.
- Speaker: Jerry Mitchell.
- Event (note)
- Videotaped at Roseland Ballroom, New York, N.Y., June 17, 2001.
- Linking Entry (note)
- Forms part of the Theatre on Film and Tape Archive, Billy Rose Theatre Division.
- Call Number
- NCOV 2784
- 1487720091
- Title
- Broadway Bares XI : 2001: a strip odyssey [videorecording]/ Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS presents ; producer, Michael Graziano ; conceived and directed by Jerry Mitchell ; co-director, Jodi Moccia ; choreography, Tim Albrecht, Devanand N. Janki, Hannah Meadows, Jerry Mitchell, Jodi Moccia, Robert Tatad ; Anti-Gravity choreography, Christopher Harrison ; [video prod. company] Broadway Beat.
- Imprint
- New York, 2001.
- Type of Content
- two-dimensional moving image
- Type of Medium
- video
- Type of Carrier
- videocassette
- Series
- Broadway bares
- Access
- Restricted to qualified researchers.
- Credits
- Scenic design, Mary Houston and Bradley Mayer ; costume coordination, Robin L. McGee ; lighting design, Chris Lee ; opening number and musical arrangements, Andrew Lippa ; conductor, Kimberly Grigsby ; projection design, Michael Clark ; sound design, Acme Sound Partners ; production stage manager, Kimberly Russell.
- Cast
- Special guests: Charles Busch, Tom Hewitt, and Michele Lee, with Deidre Goodwin and Jonathan Sharp.Featured performers: Idina Menzel, the AntiGravity Dance Company, Alice Ripley, Jason Danieley, André De Shields, John Ellison Conlee, Romain Frugé, Marcus Neville, Matthew Stocke, Annie Golden, Julia Murney, Daphne Rubin-Vega, and Emily Skinner.Dancers: Julio Agustin, Yassmin Alers, Timothy J. Alex, Steve Alexander, Derrick Alipio, Barbara Angeline, Alan Ariano, Brad Aspel, Dave August, Darrell Autor, John Bantay, Serena Benson, John Bently, Kathleen Bibalo, Brad Bilanin, Lindsey Bischoff, Maria Blanco, Shelly Bomb, Peter Borzotta, Antonio Brant, Isaac Brown, Liam Burke, Bill Burns, Tesha Buss, Gregory Butler, Charlene Carabeo, Buddy Casimano, Jennifer Chambers, Andrew Cheng, Stephan Choiniere, Jennifer Clippinger, Tammy Colucci, Ann Cooley, Richard Costa, Patric Creelman, Michael Curry, Wendee Lee Curtis, Lenny Daniel, Sandor DiGrazia, Jeffrey Drew, Sally Mae Dunn, Edie, Vivien Eng, Armando Farfan, Ramon Flowers, Jennie Ford, Mikala Freitas, Jason Garcia, Miguel Ghannam, Adrienne Gibbons, Aloysius Gigl, Meg Gillentine, Nina Goldman, Milena Govich, Greg Graham, Chris Gregory, Katy Grenfell, Adam Grey, James Hadley, Shannon Hammons, Jeffrey Hankinson, James Harkness, Michael C. Harris, Stacey Harris, Nadine Isenegger, Stu James, Denis Jones, Kiva Kahl, Nick Kenkel, Michelle Kittrell, Sebastian LaCause, Troy Lambert, Susan Lamontagne, Staci LaRue, Lorin Latarro, Anthony LaTorella, Brian Laughlin, Sara Lepere, Robin Lewis, Edward Liang, Adam Lobato, Dennis Lue, David MacGillivray, Hannah Meadows, Ryan Meldrum, Mayumi Miguel, David Milo, Billy Monk, Emily Morgan, Rusty Mowery, Merete Muenter, Brad Musgrove, Randy Nebel, Karine Newborn, Phineas Newborn III, Jennifer Newman, Jamie Norcini, Jonathan Nosan, Brian O'Brien, Rebecca Ohmes, Jason Opsahl, Andrew Pacho, John Eric Parker, Desiree Parkman, Elizabeth Patek, Jessica Perrizo, Melba Perry, Rachelle Rak, T. Oliver Reid, Mark C. Reis, Pam Remler, Jessica Rizzo, Josh Robers, Michelle Robinson, Dino Rodriguez, Jai Rodriguez, Bill Rolon, Fred Rose, Jim Ryan, Dan Rychlec, Colt Sandberg, Jenny Sandler, Michael Lee Scott, Michael Serapiglia, Laura Sheehy, Nandita Shenoy, Stacey Sipowicz, Jimmy Smagula, Leeanna Smith, Todd M. Smith, David St. Louis, Eric Steibl, JP Stewart, Julie Kay Swift, PJ Terranova, Angela Vaillancourt, Aaron Vexler, Luis Villabon, Maurice Villa-Lobos, Jennifer Voss, Charles Wallace, Russell Warfield, Sean P. Watters, Anissa Wiley, Randy Witherspoon, Christine Yasunaga, Katrina Yaukey, Greg Zane, Kamila Zapytowska, David Zurak.Speaker: Jerry Mitchell.
- Event
- Videotaped at Roseland Ballroom, New York, N.Y., June 17, 2001.
- Local Note
- Gift of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
- Linking Entry
- Forms part of the Theatre on Film and Tape Archive, Billy Rose Theatre Division.
- Added Author
- Graziano, Michael, producer.Mitchell, Jerry, 1960- director.Mitchell, Jerry, 1960- choreographer.Mitchell, Jerry, 1960- speaker.Moccia, Jodie, co-director.Moccia, Jodie, choreographer.Albrecht, Timothy, choreographer.Janki, Devanand N., choreographer.Meadows, Hannah, choreographer.Meadows, Hannah, performer.Tatad, Robert, choreographer.Harrison, Christopher, choreographer.Houston, Mary, set designer.Mayer, Bradley, set designer.McGee, Robin L. (Robin Lynn), 1961- costume designer.Lippa, Andrew, composer.Lippa, Andrew, arranger of music.Grigsby, Kimberly, conductor.Clark, Michael, projection designer.Russell, Kimberly, production stage manager.Busch, Charles, performer.Hewitt, Tom, 1958- performer.Lee, Michele, performer.Goodwin, Deidre, performer.Sharp, Jonathan, 1971- performer.Menzel, Idina, performer.Ripley, Alice, performer.Danieley, Jason, performer.De Shields, André, 1946- performer.Conlee, John Ellison, 1968- performer.Frugé, Romain, 1959- performer.Neville, Marcus, performer.Stocke, Matthew, 1971- performer.Golden, Annie, performer.Murney, Julia, performer.Rubin-Vega, Daphne, performer.Skinner, Emily, 1970- performer.Agustin, Julio, performer.Alers, Yassmin, performer.Alex, Timothy J., performer.Alexander, Steve, performer.Alipio, Derrick, performer.Angeline, Barbara, performer.Ariano, Alan, performer.Aspel, Brad, performer.August, Dave, performer.Autor, Darrell, performer.Bantay, John, performer.Benson, Serena, performer.Bently, John, performer.Bibalo, Kathleen, performer.Bilanin, Brad, performer.Bischoff, Lindsey, performer.Blanco, Maria (Performer)Bomb, Shelly, performer.Borzotta, Peter, performer.Brant, Antonio, performer.Brown, Isaac, performer.Burke, Liam, performer.Burns, Bill, performer.Buss, Tesha, performer.Butler, Gregory, performer.Carabeo, Charlene, performer.Casimano, Buddy, performer.Chambers, Jennifer, performer.Cheng, Andrew, performer.Choiniere, Stephan, performer.Clippinger, Jennifer, performer.Colucci, Tammy, performer.Cooley, Ann, performer.Costa, Richard, performer.Creelman, Patric, performer.Curry, Michael, performer.Lee, Wendee, 1955- performer.Daniel, Lenny, performer.DiGrazia, Sandor, performer.Drew, Jeffrey, performer.Dunn, Sally Mae, performer.Edie (Performer)Eng, Vivien, performer.Farfan, Armando, performer.Flowers, Ramon, performer.Ford, Jennie, performer.Freitas, Mikala, performer.Garcia, Jason, performer.Ghannam, Miguel, performer.Gibbons, Adrienne, performer.Gigl, Aloysius, performer.Gillentine, Meg, performer.Goldman, Nina (Ballet dancer), performer.Govich, Milena, 1976- performer.Graham, Gregory, performer.Gregory, Christopher, performer.Grenfell, Katy, performer.Grey, Adam, performer.Hadley, James, performer.Hammons, Shannon, performer.Hankinson, Jeffrey, performer.Harkness, James, performer.Harris, Michael C., performer.Harris, Stacey, performer.Isenegger, Nadine, performer.James, Stu, performer.Jones, Denis, performer.Kahl, Kiva, performer.Kenkel, Nick, performer.Kittrell, Michelle, performer.LaCause, Sebastian, performer.Lambert, Troy, performer.Lamontagne, Susan, performer.LaRue, Staci, performer.Latarro, Lorin, performer.LaTorella, Anthony, performer.Laughlin, Brian, performer.Lepere, Sara, performer.Lewis, Robin, performer.Liang, Edward, performer.Lobato, Adam, performer.Lue, Dennis, performer.MacGillivray, David, performer.Meldrum, Ryan, performer.Miguel, Mayumi, performer.Milo, David, performer.Monk, Billy, performer.Morgan, Emily, performer.Mowery, Rusty, performer.Muenter, Merete, performer.Musgrove, Brad, performer.Nebel, Randy, performer.Newborn, Karine, performer.Newborn, Phineas, III, performer.Newman, Jennifer, performer.Norcini, Jamie, performer.Nosan, Jonathan, performer.O'Brien, Brian, performer.Ohmes, Rebecca, performer.Opsahl, Jason, performer.Pacho, Andrew, performer.Parker, John Eric, performer.Parkman, Desiree, performer.Patek, Elizabeth, performer.Perrizo, Jessica, performer.Perry, Melba, performer.Rak, Rachelle, performer.Reid, T. Oliver, performer.Reis, Mark, performer.Remler, Pamela, performer.Rizzo, Jessica, performer.Robers, Josh, performer.Robinson, Michelle M., performer.Rodriguez, Dino, performer.Rodriguez, Jai, performer.Rolon, Bill, performer.Rose, Fred (Actor), performer.Ryan, Jim, performer.Rychlec, Dan, performer.Sandberg, Colt, performer.Sandler, Jenny, performer.Scott, Michael Lee, performer.Serapiglia, Michael, performer.Sheehy, Laura, performer.Shenoy, Nandita, performer.Sipowicz, Stacey, performer.Smagula, Jimmy, performer.Smith, Leeanna, performer.Smith, Todd Michel, performer.St. Louis, David, performer.Steibl, H. Eric, performer.Stewart, J. P., performer.Swift, Julie Kay, performer.Terranova, P. J., performer.Vaillancourt, Angela, performer.Vexler, Aaron, performer.Villabon, Luis, performer.Villa-Lobos, Maurice, performer.Voss, Jennifer, performer.Wallace, Charles E., performer.Warfield, Russell, performer.Wattes, Sean, performer.Wiley, Anissa, performer.Witherspoon, Randy, performer.Yasunaga, Christine, performer.Yaukey, Katrina, performer.Zane, Greg, performer.Zapytowska, Kamila, performer.Zurak, David, performer.Acme Sound Partners (Firm)AntiGravity Dance Company.Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS (Organization), producer.Broadway Beat (Firm)Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS (Organization), donor.
- Research Call Number
- NCOV 2784