Research Catalog

Music for lute

Music for lute / Walter Gerwig.
  • Berlin : Deutsche Grammophon, [2014]
  • ℗2014

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Additional Authors
  • Gerwig, Walter
  • Michaelis, Bernhard
  • Guilleaume, Margot
  • Wenzinger, August
  • Müller, Eduard, 1912-1983
  • Sparr, Thea von
  • Töttcher, Hermann
  • Tauscher, Herbert
  • Brix-Meinert, Ilse
  • Klein, Edith
  • Bemmer, Helma
  • Koch, Johannes, approximately 1910-1973
  • Stöhr, Horst
  • Gorvin, Karl
  • Bergese, Hans, 1910-2000
  • Hoffmann, Bruno
  • Wolf-Matthäus, Lotte
  • Conrad, Ferdinand
  • Dick, Hermann (Lutenist)
  • Gerstein, Eva Juliane
  • Brückner-Rüggeberg, Friedrich
  • Carlsdotter-Lahrs, Rosemarie
  • Steinkopf, Otto
  • Flagel, Claude
  • Feyerabend, Johannes
  • Seiler, Emil, 1906-1998
  • Milán, Luis, active 16th century
  • Ortiz, Diego, approximately 1525-approximately 1570.
  • Newsidler, Hans, 1508-1563.
  • Senfl, Ludwig, approximately 1486-1542 or 1543.
  • Wolkenstein, Oswald von, 1377?-1445.
  • Naumann, Johann Gottlieb, 1741-1801.
  • Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809.
  • Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de, 1689-1755.
  • Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750.
  • Mouton, Charles, 1626-1710.
  • Hoffer, Johann Josef, active 17th century
  • Hinterleithner, Ferdinand Ignaz, 1659-1710.
  • Reusner, Esaias, 1636-1679.
  • Garsi, Santino, 1542-1604.
  • Jugendmusikschule Hannover. Chor, singer
1 online resource (1 sound file).
Series Statement
  • Archiv archive
  • Original jackets collection
Uniform Title
  • Glogauer Liederbuch.
  • Archiv archive.
  • Original jackets collection.
Streaming audio.
  • Vocal and instrumental works, principally featuring the lute.
  • Previously released between 1949 and 1957 on Archiv Produktion as APM 14075, AP 13 031, AP 13022, and 13042 AP.
Language (note)
  • The vocal works sung in Spanish, Italian, French and German.
Fantasias, dances and romances from Libro de musica de vihuela de mano intitulado El maestro. Fantasia 1 "del primero tono" ; Romance 1 "Durandarte, durandartre"--"Parabras son lisonjeras" ; Pavan 1 ; Pavan 4 ; Soneto en ytaliano 1 : "Amor che nel mio pensier" ; Pavan 5 : "Que la bella franceschina"--Pavan 6 ; Romance 2 : "Sospirastes, valdovinos" ; Fantasia 9 "del tono mixto" / Luys Milán (with Bernhard Michaelis, tenor) (26:00) -- Recercadas, songs and madrigals from Trattado de glosas sobre clausulas y otros generos de puntos en la musica de violones. Tres recercadas sobre canto llano ; Madrigal a 4 : "O felici occhi miei (Jacques Arcadelt) con 2 recercadas ; Recercada 4 per violon solo ; Canción francesa "Doulce memoire" (Pierre Sandrin) con 2 recercadas ; Tres recercadas sobre tenores italianos / Diego Ortiz (Margot Guilleaume, soprano ; August Wenzinger, viola da gamba ; Eduard Müller, harpsichord) (24:00) -- Pieces for lute from Ein newgeordnet künstlich Lautenbuch (Nuremberg 1536). Preambel ; Zart schöne fraw gedenck und schaw ; Der Bethler Tantz ; Eislein, liebstes Eislein mein (Ludwig Senfl) ; Nach willen dein (Paul Hofhaimer) ; Der Künigin Tantz ; Wol kumpt der may (Wolfgang Grefinger) (13:00) ; From Ein newes Lautenbüchlein (Nuremberg 1544). Wascha mesa : (passamezzo) (1:40) / Hans Neusidler -- Pieces for lute. Aria del Gran Duca (1:55) ; Corenta (1:23) ; Balletto I--II--I (4:14) ; La cesarina (1:56) ; Gagliarda manfredina (1:44) ; Ballo del Serenissimo Duca di Parma (:56) ; La mutia (1:25) ; La ne mente per la gola (2:06) / Santino Garsi -- Suite for lute in C minor. Allemande ; Courante ; Sarabande ; Gavotte ; Gigue / Esaias Reusner (10:00) -- Partita for lute in A major. Ouverture ; Courante ; Aria ; Bourrée ; Menuet / Ferdinand Iganz Hinterleithner (9:00) -- Suite for lute in A major. Entrée ; Menuet ; Rigaudon ; Menuet ; Passepied ; Gigue / Johann Jacob Hoffer (14:00) -- Pieces for lute : from Pièces de luth sur différents modes (Paris c. 1680). Le dialogue des grâces sur Iris ; La malassise : (sarabande) ; Le tocsin ; La gambade : (menuet) ; La changeante ; L'heureux hymen : (passacaglia) ; L'amant content : (canarie) / Charles Mouton (14:00) -- Suite for lute no. 3 in G minor. Präludium ; Allemande ; Courante ; Sarabande ; Gavotte I & II ; Gigue / Johann Sebastian Bach (26:00) -- Ballet suite from the pastoral Daphnis et Chloe [and Don Quichotte]. Marche ; Menuet ; Contredanse ; Air pour les Zéphires ; Gavotte ; Loure ; Bourrée ; Musette ; Tambourin / Joseph Bodin de Boismortier ; [arranged by Emil Seiler] (with Thea von Sparr, recorder ; Hermann Töttcher, oboe ; Herbert Tauscher, bassoon ; Ilse Brix-Meinert, violin ; Edith Klein, viola ; Helma Bemmer, cello ; Johannes Koch, viola da gamba, recorder ; Horst Stöhr, double bass ; Karl Gorvin, harpsichord ; Hans Bergese, percussion) (17:00) -- Cassation for lute, violin and bass in C major : after Hob. III:6 / Joseph Haydn (attrib.) (with I. Brix-Meinert, violin ; J. Koch, viola da gamba) (15:00) ; Duo for glass harmonica and lute in G major : "Wie ein Hirt sein Volk zu weiden" / Johann Gottlieb Naumann (with Bruno Hoffmann, glass harmonica) (11:00) -- Songs. Sag an, herzlieb (2:50) ; Wolfaugg fesell! Wer jagen will (2:05) ; "Nu huss!" sprach der Michel von Wolkenstain (2:50) ; Ave Mater, O Maria (3:33) ; Der mai mit lieber zal (3:28) ; Es fuegt sich, da ich was von zehen jaren alt (4:24) ; Gelück und hail ain michel schar (1:53) ; Mit günstlichem herzen (1:57) ; Ich klag ain engel (2:13) ; Wach auff, mein hort! (2:21) ; Stand auff, Maradel! (2:54) / Oswald von Wolkenstein (with Lotte Wolf-Matthäus, contralto ; B. Michaelis, tenor ; Ferdinand Conrad, recorder, tambourine ; I. Brix-Meinert, alto fiddle ; J. Koch, tenor fiddle, alto crumhorn ; Hermann Dick, descant, tenor lute ; Claude Flagel, hurdy-gurdy ; Mitglieder des Chores der Jugendmusikschule Hannover) -- Songs from the Sʹpiewnik Głogowski (Glogauer Liederbuch). Christ der ist erstanden (4:54) ; Probitate eminentem (3:49) ; Du lentocze gut (6:09) ; O plasmator (2:05) ; Ich byns erfrewt (2:43) ; Elzeleyn, lipstis Elzeleyn (2:10) ; Der phfawn schwantcz (3:27) ; Seh hyn meyn hertcz (4:13) ; Dy katzen phote (1:16) ; Al fol (:53) / anonymous (with Eva-Juliane Gerstein, soprano ; Friedrich Brückner-Rüggeberg, tenor ; I. Brix-Meinert, Rosemarie Lahrs, viol ; J. Koch, bass viol, recorder ; F. Conrad, recorder ; Otto Steinkopf, dulcian, crumhorn) ; Songs. Wenn ich des Morgens früh aufsteh (5:04) ; Entlaubet ist der Walde (3:01) ; Es taget vor dem Walde (4:55) / Ludwig Senfl (with Johannes Feyerabend, tenor, I. Brix-Meinert, R. Lahrs, J. Koch, viol ; F. Conrad, recorder).
Music for lute / Walter Gerwig.
Berlin : Deutsche Grammophon, [2014]
Copyright Date
Type of Content
performed music
Type of Medium
Type of Carrier
online resource
Digital File Characteristics
audio file
Archiv archive
Original jackets collection
Archiv archive.
Original jackets collection.
Walter Gerwig, lute, descant (except in the Ortiz works) ; additional assisting performers.
Recorded 1949 November 22-1956 November 29 At Beethoven-Saal, Hannover, and other locations in Germany.
The vocal works sung in Spanish, Italian, French and German.
Source of description
Hard copy version record.
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Added Author
Gerwig, Walter, instrumentalist.
Michaelis, Bernhard, singer.
Guilleaume, Margot, singer.
Wenzinger, August, instrumentalist.
Müller, Eduard, 1912-1983, instrumentalist.
Sparr, Thea von, instrumentalist.
Töttcher, Hermann, instrumentalist.
Tauscher, Herbert, instrumentalist.
Brix-Meinert, Ilse, instrumentalist.
Klein, Edith, instrumentalist.
Bemmer, Helma, instrumentalist.
Koch, Johannes, approximately 1910-1973, instrumentalist.
Stöhr, Horst, instrumentalist.
Gorvin, Karl, instrumentalist.
Bergese, Hans, 1910-2000, instrumentalist.
Hoffmann, Bruno, instrumentalist.
Wolf-Matthäus, Lotte, singer.
Conrad, Ferdinand, instrumentalist.
Dick, Hermann (Lutenist), instrumentalist.
Gerstein, Eva Juliane, singer.
Brückner-Rüggeberg, Friedrich, singer.
Carlsdotter-Lahrs, Rosemarie, instrumentalist.
Steinkopf, Otto, instrumentalist.
Flagel, Claude, instrumentalist.
Feyerabend, Johannes, singer.
Seiler, Emil, 1906-1998, arranger of music.
Container of (work): Milán, Luis, active 16th century. Maestro. Selections.
Container of (work): Ortiz, Diego, approximately 1525-approximately 1570. Trattado de glosas. Selections.
Container of (work): Newsidler, Hans, 1508-1563. Newgeordent kunstlich Lautenbuch. Selections.
Container of (work): Newsidler, Hans, 1508-1563. Buch, no. 1 (1544) Wascha mesa.
Container of (work): Senfl, Ludwig, approximately 1486-1542 or 1543. Songs. Selections.
Container of (work): Wolkenstein, Oswald von, 1377?-1445. Songs. Selections.
Container of (work): Naumann, Johann Gottlieb, 1741-1801. Duets, lute, glass harmonica, G major.
Container of (expression): Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809. Quartets, violins (2), viola, cello, H. III, 6, C major; arranged.
Container of (expression): Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de, 1689-1755. Don Quichotte chez la duchesse. Selections; arranged.
Container of (expression): Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de, 1689-1755. Daphnis et Chloé. Selections; arranged.
Container of (work): Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Suites, lute, BWV 995, G minor.
Container of (work): Mouton, Charles, 1626-1710. Pièces de luth sur différents modes, livre 2.
Container of (work): Hoffer, Johann Josef, active 17th century. Suites, lute, A major.
Container of (work): Hinterleithner, Ferdinand Ignaz, 1659-1710. Partitas, lute, A major.
Container of (work): Reusner, Esaias, 1636-1679. Suites, lute, C minor.
Container of (work): Garsi, Santino, 1542-1604. Lute music. Selections.
Jugendmusikschule Hannover. Chor, singer.
Added Title
Glogauer Liederbuch.
Publisher No.
00028947927587 Deutsche Grammophon
Branch Call Number
eNYPL Music
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